Secret gem in Indooroopilly
It was a really nice weekend with sunny blue sky and we had planned to go to Bribie Island for camping. Unfortunately, poor Am just realized how far behind she was (and still is) with her thesis and stuffs so camping had to be called off. Hur....
Anyway, that was compensated by a nice picnic at a park in Indooroopilly on Sunday afternoon. We decided that the weather was to good to stay inside the house so we look up an interesting park nearby for lunch. I picked out a park called Sir John Chandler Park at the end of Meiers Street in Indooroopilly. It is next to Brisbane river but much quieter than the area around our house because there is no CityCat running past. There are good facilities, sheltered benches, barbeque, taps and etc. And best of all, there were not that many people at all. It was really peaceful and transquil. We had lunch and picked a shaded spot for a little afternoon snooze on the grass. I brought a big travel rug and pillows along so it was really comfortable.
So there it was, a little paradise we just discovered. We are definitely gonna go back there again. So that can be my motivation to finish all my works as quickly as possible so we can have nice weekends like that soon.
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